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Old 01.08.2009, 02:09 PM
mkelly mkelly is offline
Definately caught something...
Very mucho Newbie
Join Date: 19.08.2006
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Posts: 33

Hi folks,

First off - many thanks to djflan for the templates and this thread. I appreciate the effort you went to, though unfortunately multi-mode did not seem to be catered for so they were not 100% useful for what I was trying to achieve.

As background, I'm using my Snow to play a multi live, and I wanted the ability to adjust the volume of the individual parts. In my quest to find info on doing so, I discovered this old page:
I hope some of the info is useful to djflan and others who were looking for more SysEx info.

I now had the SysEx messages I needed, but was still having trouble with the Novation RemoteSL editor. djflan's templates would control sysex values without problem, but my own editing just didn't work.

As djflan mentioned the editor is not suitable for editing the SysEx strings directly. I obtained the latest version for OS X but still had no luck. You can edit the string, but it does not send down the right data. However, all you have to do is this (on the SL itself):

1) Hit Edit.
2) Hold Edit and move the controller you wish to change.
3) Change DataType to SINGLE (it is probably NONE at present).
4) Change DataPsn to 9 (it is probably "-" at present).
5) Hold Edit and move the next controller you wish to change.
6) Repeat steps until all controllers updated.
7) Hit Write twice to save the updates.

If you want to store this, you should send it back to the template editor, and save it from there. If you make edits to the SysEx strings of the controllers, you'll have to repeat this.

It's a pain, but it explains why djflan's templates are working, but others are having trouble programming their own.

Hope this info helps someone else,

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