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Old 01.02.2013, 07:37 AM
TweakHead TweakHead is offline
Join Date: 16.07.2011
Posts: 573

Originally Posted by namnibor View Post
Great point there! Understanding 'MY' perspective is ONLY a newer one because of many years with the military and abroad; with that even, among the synths I specifically acquired after MUCH research, still remain rather "fresh" and on the cutting edge of technology/abilities/unique characteristics, with the Virus and very knobby interface and just a capable Waldorf Q rack (they compliment each other as they are equally very different sounding and each deeper synths). I would say that Waldorf were safely two decades ahead of their time with the Q and a swarmy of synth-heads on harmonycentral still concur...with yet another Waldorf, microwave XT, more of a purely wavetable synth that neither virus nor Q can make such otherworldly sounds so easily. ONLY DSI Prophet 12 at NAMM 2013 has finally broke THAT glass ceiling in new analog filters mashed with digital madness, and my goal is to strive with *what I already have* reach that same territory, albeit taking three instruments to do so--the tools are here before me! "The sleeper awakens" (Dune)
With that said, there's no reason other than perhaps economics or time itself that's preventing these relatively smaller "fish in the pond synth makers", in releasing yet more future classics.
Time: You nailed that one down with association with using this time to explore the unexplored with WHAT WE HAVE and indeed make music. whether that is music for eels to yawn to or humans to spawn to (or vice versa) .
What I find so ironic amidst the 'big three' and plethora of softsynths and yes, even modular companies; it happens to be the VERY "small fish in pond" such as; Access, DSI, Elektron, Waldorf--that REALLY continue to innovate. Heck, the DSI Evolver is over 10 years in production and is literally like chaos theory in a muse' form to mould sound like silly putty. Access's Ti series is still very unexplored territory with many people like a few of us on this forum that still are exploring new territories with former incarnations of the Virus. Waldorf came back and have every reason to believe they will continue to innovate. Nord seems to in my humble opinion, let-go of their micro-modular prematurely. I have not used it nor own any Nord, but those I correspond with and sent sound clips of what they can do (as long as they never upgrade their computer O.S.) is pretty amazing--like Reason in a box.
At NAMM, Korg, after testing analog waters with monotrons, etc., did a brave thing re-releasing MS20 but kingkorg seems to be rehash of Radias/Oasys lineage and although the Korg M3 offers encompassing features--I am sorry, aesthetically, could not be an uglier box and reason only want the outstanding 88 keyboard version that can be used for either M3 or Radias, but if it only has the propriatory Korg nexus rather than proper midi so can place my Q rack on it, forget it.
Namm 2013 has done something to make me realize something that Tweakhead nailed it in on: As much as I would LIKE the new Korg MS20 or DSI Prophet 12, I want to make FULL use of the still ahead of the pack in synth technology that we each own in any version of Virus, DSI MEK, and Waldorf Q--and wait until a future point if my *needs* out-weigh my proverbial *wants*. While I realize my philosophy may run counterintuitive to what NAMM wants us to do--slave to consumerism and marketing, and can smile every now and then knowing Dave Smith has again pushed the limits rather than re-issue the past. That same thinking makes me realize that the Virus Ti offeres ALOT of uncharted territory for the future and I for one, do not mind being a "bottom-feeder" of technology.
In my opinion, if there's been a synth from Waldorf ahead of its time it was the Waldorf's Wave. It has the wavetables and analogue filters on it!! There's an "old" ancestor of this new Prophet 12!
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