Thread: Noob alert
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Old 23.05.2013, 11:14 PM
MBTC MBTC is offline
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Originally Posted by sobi View Post
Sorry... I was referencing starting up the virus VST inside maschine. not anything you mentioned in your other post. As for RTFM, please see my first post.
I really don't go out of my way to try to be an ass, but a lot of people are going to have a big problem believing that you have a disability that precludes you from reading the manual, while simultaneously affording you the ability to read individual posts that are customized for you.

ADD/ADHD has become an excuse for too many things, but even at its worst it does not prevent reading, it actually makes the act of reading more focused and concentrated when you properly control your environment. If you're being distracted while reading, lock yourself in a room and pipe white noise over noise-cancelling headphones. A lot of people are easily distracted, myself included, even if I'm not "officially" an ADD case, sometimes I just want to maintain momentum without hearing someone else's music, or screaming kids or whatever. But my god, I would never try to convince someone that I have some medical reason why answers that are easily available elsewhere must be spoon fed to me personally or I can't grasp them, because I'm unable to use a search engine or read it any other way.

It just really bothers me to think that everyone with an aversion to reading would come here and, one-at-a-time, person-by-person, submit questions along the road to understanding a deep instrument like the Virus because its more convenient for them.
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