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Old 02.03.2015, 03:53 PM
MBTC MBTC is offline
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I've always found that perfectly reproducing specific sounds from tracks to be tough, especially sounds like this one that are defined by the curves created by filter settings. Sometimes its possible to get close.

I took a quick crack at it starting from init patch, and its not the same and of course harmonics of init aren't right, but just to focus on the wah-effect you could try something like this:

Filter1 Env Amt = 67.2% , cutoff =39
Filter 2 Env Amt = 57%, cutoff = -19
Both are LP, Reso=0, Split

Here's the more important part:
Phaser Mix = 70
Phaser Freq = 0
Phaser FB=63
Phaser LFO rate = 97
Phaser Depth = 58
Phaser Stage=1

Now play with the cutoff of F1 and F2 very slightly. Major changes to the sound but it starts to sort of begin to take on the formant characteristic of the original, so maybe it will be enough to get started. Triggering the phase and Wah at just the right time would be a trick and pure experimentation on my part.

Those settings get it "approximately" there. You might want to play in those ranges to see if you can get it closer. Its going to sound different with whatever additional settings you have, even just the raw waveforms can make a big difference in how it sounds versus the init settings I used.

Many ways to skin a cat, I'm sure similar could be done with pure LFO+filters+matrix (maybe LP + bandpass) without using the phaser effect specifically.
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