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Old 25.02.2005, 07:22 PM
emperor emperor is offline
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Very mucho Newbie
Join Date: 20.10.2004
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In the 70's the markets for music and the massive record companies didnt have strategys as honed for marketing a particular style of music, we had all sorts of music in the charts at that time, and also because the average musician who made it, had that little bit extra, those that didnt , didnt have the ability to make trance tunes, anywhere near the quality of the professional, which we can do now. Home recording was a luxury.

So only those that excelled in their field ever got a look in, as far as raw talent and ideas rather than flashy sounds, that short term flatter to decieve. And as such true talent was given more goodies to make them shine. Now its easier to make very good music, but even for them times, its still exceptionally hard to make great music.

As now market forces are the crux of all profit anything that is popular is king, trance is popular so what do we have, loads of companys making grooveboxes and VA,s to satisfy the markets, a truly genuine instrument as in the past, the Kawai K5000s, The Wavestation, the Fizmo, all something different but never shifted as much as The M1,s and D50,s, and so whatever music is popular will reflect in what synths they make at the time. So the music is uniformaic, and an endless amount of those who buy these machines have dreams of doing well working with the same old machines. And so people do not have access to original music, R&B, Rap, Trance, its all lifestyle music, and a fashion ringing out the coffersnecks long after the death of it. So dull. Take that Groovebox, and instead of using the patterns, and sounds edit something original, make something different to all the others. We have a society of clones where nothing is original, music ideally has run its course as in innovations, where does it go from here. We are all semi controlled and forced into decisions of limited choice, there is nothing new as were told what to like and what to do, so what is the creations of that society going to be?. I suppose the only thing to do is regardless of what is fashionable, if trance or folk, or hip hop is in your soul, you have to be true to what you love.

Not what you think people will love.

i still do think there is some amazing original artists out there its just with the internet, and lots of other telecommunications, the world has got more a saturation of dross. Take your virus C, and forget that it ever made dance music.

I agree with what was said before, its not that a classical trained musician, could do something original, as they are learnt by a certain code. You just need to express your originality and personality, or your feelings in music.

i do and its Shit!!

Sorry couldnt resist, he he he , By the way i wont ever say im original and that my music is great, cause its so easy to slate music rather than make a great peice of music. I look forward to being poor for the rest of my life, lol
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