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Old 16.02.2014, 04:29 AM
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namnibor namnibor is offline
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Originally Posted by MBTC View Post
Not to be confused with the less popular skrasshat?
THAT was funny!
"Minimalist" *insert noun here* can mean many different things to people:
A glass cube in an art gallery that houses a pile of poo and a feather...that's all, is considered "high art" and accolades given for 'thinking outside the box while putting it literally within the box"...just as art or music or anything goes, it's highly objective. In the end 'for me' I would indeed find it 'high art' if in fact I was extremely high...but even then...just saying all the training and practice in the world can still turn out a box of poo in the end....again, subjective as well as objective.

Been a bit preoccupied with my own 'poo' of late. But it may be genius to the right person or group.
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