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Old 08.05.2013, 01:58 PM
TweakHead TweakHead is offline
Join Date: 16.07.2011
Posts: 573

Yep, I didn't install following those videos on their website. It's moved to the application, I think it should be allocated next to the clock on a windows environment as well. There's a menu there where it shows the digital audio workstations installed on the system, and those that are already configured for automap. Once you select one and choose "configure" or something like this, it will present you with step-by-step instructions for properly setting up the Remote on the system. I also have the tiny Nocturn and it works seamlessly with both. I use the later for fx sends, like you'd do in a real mixer and stuff like that, and usually use the Remote just for hands on control of the synthesizers with personalized templates.

Take your time to explore the options within the Automap application as there's a lot there. For example, if I use the small Nocturn controller to control Traktor, it doesn't even use Automap, it's a user bank template and another kind of configuration is needed for this. I remember I had to turn down some options in order for it to pick up the instrument as a regular midi controller and not through the automap hub - which I think replaces regular midi in some way. But once you set it up and record it, it's always there with its name for later use and works very well.

You can adjust the pressure sensitivity on the pads to, even though it never gets anywhere near as sensitive as the pads on Maschine - but it's useful even for using it with Live if you're planning to use it for gigs.
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