Thread: SPDIF vs Analog
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Old 30.07.2009, 09:04 PM
civan civan is offline
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Originally Posted by Doc Jones View Post
another related question that should be asked is - is there a major difference in sound quality using spdif over the TI's usb connection? off the top of my head I don't think there is, so I would say you are better off going with usb vs spdif. So now your main question should probably be USB vs Analog, in which case, things such as what sample rate and bit depth would you be using with your sound card, plus are the converters on your sound card highly rated would come into consideration.
Actually I think the SPDIF should still be discussed because I'm using my Polar with VC and I have a TC Electronic SK48 which I got for its 10 analog inputs. I wanted to be able to get 6 separate channels from the Virus into Cubase. I'm able to accomplish this with the 3 USB and 3 Analog outs. Unfortunately the 3 analog outs use up 6 of my inputs. I can't remember now as I'm not in front of my Polar but shouldn't I be able to output more than one channel from SPDIF into my sound card and then split the channels in the Cubase External instruments setup? This would save me analog inputs and would also skip a redundant digital-analog-digital conversion before the Virus sound gets to Cubase.
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