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Old 16.08.2008, 07:33 PM
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Michael Phelps is a monster! His defeat of Cavic last night was absolutely unbelievable! He won that race by 1/100th of a second. The Serbs protested but to no avail. There was an interview later between Mark Spitz, Michael Phelps, and Bob Costa. Spitz won seven medals in the Olympics 36 years ago. It was cool to hear him and Phelps speak with each other. Spitz gave Phelps a good pep talk but didn't blow sunshine up his arse either. When Bob Costa asked Spitz who would win if Phelps Vs. Spitz (in his prime, of course) Spitz said "Both of us would know going into a race like that what each other's strengths and weaknesses were; if you ask me who would win today I'd say it would be a tie, but if he wins another medal tomorrow I'd say he would."

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