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Old 02.03.2006, 03:00 AM
solconnection solconnection is offline
Infektion taking hold...
Join Date: 23.09.2005
Posts: 60

that tutorial is quite helpful. i think the 'new downloads' button only appears when there are new downloads for you, because its attached to a cookie, would explain why you would only see it once.

do my eyes decieve me or does it seem to explain a way that you can use the analog outs with the patch handling of the virus control.... i didnt think this was possible or maybe i had it wrong all along hehe, in any case...WOOOooo i can write using the convenience of the usb connection and at the flick of a dropdown bounce/record the sequence via the analog outs for that extra quality lift....just what ive been wanting.

the ti just got a whole lot better since upgrading from cubase sx2.2 to sx3.1... (couldnt use vc in 2.2)

have a nice day
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