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Old 31.12.2012, 11:21 AM
TweakHead TweakHead is offline
Join Date: 16.07.2011
Posts: 573

It's more a question of what really matters to you. I made that very same choice myself, once. Got a C. Because to me the hands on approach was the thing, at the moment. Wouldn't mind to have a Snow to, because of features that have been added meanwhile. And that's without mentioning the Virus Control plug-in and it's added convenience. I really learned a lot from building my sounds tweaking knobs instead of going through menus and I feel I've developed a very intuitive way of getting sounds out of it. Most of what people talk about when they go obsessive about some classic is related to both the sound and the way they used to work with them, it's all to easy to get lost just tweaking knobs and playing - it all feels like an instrument.

So you'd probably be better off with a Virus ti desktop version - if you want the best of both worlds: to have the latest features and the knob action, if you ask me. But where money is a problem, you need to ask yourself if hands action and knob tweaking is more important to you then new features and integration with the Daw (that sometimes has it's flaws, like most guys here flame about all the time, but seems to be a lot better these days.
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