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Old 16.01.2009, 02:25 AM
digitalgeist242 digitalgeist242 is offline
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Default Cubase 4.5.2 (OSX) and TIOS3 "Sidechaining" the Input WORKS!

Let's get this out of the way - I'm using Cubase 4.5.2 on an Intel Mac Pro (OSX 10.5.6, 8gb RAM), a TI Desktop with TIOS 3.0. So how do I go about routing the audio of my track through the TI to use the Virus as an effect?

The TI manual says:
1. In Virus Control, click on the Patch/Utility tab
2. Click in Input/Output Configuration and change USB AUDIO MODE to 3 Outs / 1 Input
3. Go to the Browser tab and in the Search field type "Input" The rest of this depends on your DAW of choice and this is where I stalled in Cubase.

I noticed there are two VST listings for the Virus TI in Cubase when selecting an instrument or effect now, and the first option is the only that will bring up something that has a sidechain option. I've tried a few things but I can't get sound out or route it. I need help.

EDIT: Here is how I got this to work:
OK, this is what I did. I'm going to try a few different methods but a brainstorm got this working for me, so don't tell me I'm making something simple complicated because I just got this working haha:

#1. I created a "group channel track" (project>add track>group channel)

#2. in configuration, make that a "quadro" group (this is the old method of creating a sidechain in cubase sx3)

#3. in that group channel track, click on the little "e" and in "inserts" add Virus TI /// (the VST3 effect version I guess)
------this will make the TI load up, but in mine I always got a blank plug graphic and didn't know what to do

#4. make sure you enable the sidechain button

#5. on the TI unit itself, navigate to the patch eROM-A 125 >>INPUT<<
#6. now hit F3 to go to the mixer. with whatever audio tracks you want to run through the TI, change "Stereo Out" to "Sidechains - Group 1: Ins 1 - Virus TI"

#7. HOORAY, play with the TI's effects to your heart's delight!!!!! (remember to use the TI itself to screw around with effects)

I make absolutely no guarantees this will work on any system but mine.

Last edited by digitalgeist242 : 17.01.2009 at 12:23 AM. Reason: clarification
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