Thread: Virus kc vs TI
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Old 21.12.2009, 02:48 PM
infraction infraction is offline
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Originally Posted by Atziluth View Post

Yes, the patches can be transfered from the kc to TI an/or from the TI to the kc.

The thing is be aware that some specific features of the TI won't sound the same on your kc.

E.g. If you import a patch with hypersaw so this patch won't sound the same on your kc, logic ne. Because your board don't have the hypersaw osc.

So, you will hear a sound but not the sound you should hear.

Hope this helps.
Apparently I've heard the TI patches don't load at all on older virus's including C. I know for a fact they don't load on my poco, only C ones do.
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