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Old 07.02.2014, 08:51 PM
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namnibor namnibor is offline
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Originally Posted by erol View Post
Yes I did. The virus only plays samples right? There are no oscillators here.
Funny, I always see the three oscillators on both my Virus KB/KC and the only *samples* always see are the "Spectral Waveforms" available as more or less "Alt Waveforms" that can be used AS the *oscillator's waveforms and yes, even LFO's*

You really need to engage the interface of this wonderful hardware synthesizer...a true synth. A great analogy is simple fact that playing an engaging video game with awesome graphics where you are the 'virtual driver' in an all out urban maniacal race, is *nowhere near* the same as being behind an actual high performance car and expecting it to drive *just like the video game* with no effort put into it yourself.

Much like in my military career, those same *made for military* combat war games virtual reality high performance games intended to prepare one for hazardous really scary *real combat* in Iraq, et al, is NOTHING like the real thing, no matter what they say. But most people die so the complaints are literally from dead ears ON deaf ears!!
Meaning; the Virus is not going to program itself, other than a random generator in which you learn absolutely nothing in process UNLESS you take said sound apart, looking at all the pretty LED's that are indicative of those parameters within.
Taking apart presets and doing a type of "autopsy" if you will, is rewarding and can be educational...and then there's that book again from Access for download if you did not get it with your Virus' manuals by Howard Scarr, "Programming Analogue Synths".
I have recommended this book to point having it tattooed in reverse on your forehead as to be reminded each time you look into mirror, would save me from repeatedly giving same advice.
"Language is a VIRUS from outer space" --Wm. S. Burroughs
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