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Old 03.06.2014, 08:38 PM
TweakHead TweakHead is offline
Join Date: 16.07.2011
Posts: 573

Correct me if I'm wrong here: but the number of points within a second is determined by our choice of sample rate, right?

so this would give us 44100 points a second, for example. If you divide this number by 30,5 you get 1445,9016393442623 points per cycle, right?

While for 30Hz you'd have 1470 points. For 31Hz it would be 1445,9016393442623 points. Of course the problem is there's nothing but whole numbers in there. So you're saying that we need more time so that there's enough points to get to a whole number and thus completing a perfect cycle, I think. And I'm saying that the mere phase difference should be enough to distinguish these pitches even within such a short time frame. That the time duration of the cycles is enough to determine pitch with precision, provided there's at least one complete cycle (???).
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