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Old 21.01.2009, 01:18 PM
annikk.exe's Avatar
annikk.exe annikk.exe is offline
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Join Date: 04.12.2008
Location: teh internetz
Posts: 255

Dear Santa,

I would like a:

1. Real military grade valve for the distortion (freeing up CPU and providing some nice analog warmth) NB: I haven't heard the new distortions in OSv3 yet.. also I realise asking for physical components from an OS update is stupid. :P

2. Onboard waveform peaks and apparent loudness analysis tool

3. Virus Control that works in a 64 bit operating system!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!

4. Better Demo Song (the current one is pretty lame)

5. A better, more configurable implementation of the filter Split Mode.

6. Expanded Retrigger/Legato options, preferably consolidated into their own menu screens instead of scattered all over the place.

7. A flashy virus logo that can sync to a beat detected by audio, as well as to the midi clock. Also a logo that flashes depending on the keyboard activity, eg one flash per key press. And a logo that dims and brightens with the overall output volume, or the output volume of a specific patch, or the currently selected patch. A "strobe" option would be nice, too, ie flashing at, say, 1000bpm when in reality the tempo is only 100bpm.

8. MORE ANALOG-STYLE FILTERS!! ::creams self at the thought of the 1pole::

9. A stereo image analysis tool.

10. A cooler "waking up" sequence. Currently when waking the TI from sleep mode, all the LEDs flash once, then return to whatever is appropriate for the currently selected patch. With so many LEDs available it's almost criminal to not make better use of them, for some value-adding eye candy and a proper little visual reward for coming back to it each time. How about a circular sweeping pattern across the face of the board? Or twinkling star-like stuff?


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