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Old 28.09.2009, 11:34 AM
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mitchiemasha mitchiemasha is offline
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If anyone is intrested I've took the cubase routing even further. Way beyond my scope of explination. Took me ages to suss out. Could up load that too but explaining it would be impossible. It's the same demo as above but a bit more confusing.

Problem, You need lots of reverb on the bass note but you only want it to sound after the note has finished. Predelay is a quick solution but doesn't achive the sound we are after. The reverb tail of the first note will blend into the second. The bass needs to be dry and gritty.

If cubase had the ability to send the wet mix output only of the reverb plug in to a seperate channel we could add a side chained compressor (side chained by a send of the actual music notes) to the wet reverb channel. This would cut out the reverb from when ever the notes are pressed, leaving the big roomy tails in any gaps. Don't forget this still needs to include the kickdrum sidechain too.

I' was told it can't be done. In FL it's easy as you just link the parameter (wet slider in the reverb) to the peak controller, inverted. To put it simple its kind of like sitting there and manualy turning the wet fader down every time the note is pressed. I don't use FL myself but I did use my friends just to hear the effect I wanted in action. It's also easy to do it with hardware.

This effect is unreal when done right. I myself though am still learning what the decent compression and reverb setting are. The reverb is much harder to get right as altering it through the track is what achieves the effect .

Last edited by mitchiemasha : 28.09.2009 at 12:02 PM.
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