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Old 17.02.2006, 05:56 AM
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muziksculp muziksculp is offline
Definately caught something...
Complete Newbie
Join Date: 02.01.2005
Posts: 27

To enter Multimode on the TI:

- Press Multi button

To Edit each part in Multimode:

- Press (Shift) and (Edit) buttons simultaneously.

You can navigate to each part via the (<-- Part -->) buttons.

You can assign the same midi channel to more than one part via the
(<-- parameter -->) buttons which selects the various menus of each part.

By the way, Multimode can NOT be accessed when VC is active, since "Sequencer mode" is automatically switched ON via VC. and each part has a its own unique midi channel (Part 1 = Chennel 1, Part 2= Chennel 2, Part 3 = Chennel 3,..etc.) To layer two parts via VC using a DAW you will need to utilize your sequencers layering capabilities.

One more thing, when in multimode I can change the relative volume of each part of a layer, but I think this can not be as easily done in Sequencer mode, since a CC#7 (Volume) is sent to both parts at the same time, with the same value, so customizing the two layers volume, while playing live is not possible.

Multimode can be lots of fun, plus, can create some quite unique sounds.
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