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Old 19.10.2011, 06:53 PM
jgg jgg is offline
Coming down with a bug...
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Join Date: 26.09.2011
Posts: 15
Default Try inside Virus Control Software

On the left side of the Virus control interface is a bunch of mute, direct monitoring buttons, channel volume, pan, and patch info for each channel. If you want this control at the Logic track level I think you need to use single tracks rather than all in one. Note: this is independent from the audio routing that is happening through the USB, that takes place in the Logic mixer window, and has it's own set of per channel volume, panning, EQ, sends, etc. The first pair is usually set up for you, getting the second and third pair is a bit of a trick. I've used Logic 8, haven't upgraded to 9 yet.

It gets easier. Each part when broken down is simple, there's just lots of parts and many of them interact.
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