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Old 28.11.2005, 05:48 AM
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muziksculp muziksculp is offline
Definately caught something...
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Join Date: 02.01.2005
Posts: 27

Thanks for all the feedback.

Upgrading from a Virus KC to the TI (once it is bug free) is very tempting, but, I think that having the Virus KC has given me access to the great sounds a Virus Synth can produce, so maybe my ears are in need for a bit of a new color/flavor of synthetic sounds. It also makes musical sense to have additional flavors to work with.

Currently I am not crazy about anything on the Virtual Analog Synth. marketplace (except for the Virus TI, and my KC), another thing to remember is that the Winter 2006 NAMM Show is right around the corner, so who knows what Korg, Roland, Yamaha, Nord, Novation, and other companies would offer, I will be watching any new developments closely during the Winter 2006 NAMM show.

Well, I might eventually go for the Virus TI keyboard, especially if nothing better shows up during the Winter 2006 NAMM show, but sometimes being a bit slow to react, and a bit patient pays off.

I am still in love with my Virus KC, and would not mind a new flavored HW Synth to add to the KC if the sounds are to my taste, especially if it has a lot of great features (maybe more HW synths with SW integration will show up, we shall see).

It's good to hear that the newest Virus TI version 1.07 OS is beginning to look more promising, and allowing some TI owners to finally begin making music with the very cool Total Integration concept, I am happy to hear that.

The TI should be a lot of fun to work with, Enjoy !

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